суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


Thankfully I've been bush the last few days because Comcast's birthday present to me was no internets. When the guy came out today we learned that our modem was dead. So now we need to buy a new one soon. For the moment we are renting one from Comcast but we'll do a little research and then eventually get a new modem and say bye-bye to the rental fees.

I'm sure I'll have a ton to catch up on and hope to post something soon, but Stephan's all done with me on the computer and needs some attention and a bath so I'm done for now :)

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artic sea lion

but i will not be your bank roll
i got way better places to go

mmm feels good to be back in a solid blue state...illinois, that is not that oberlin isnapos;t as blue as it gets...
but yeah iapos;m here, annieapos;s here, tonyapos;s here, drew the adoreable puppy is here we are one big happy family under one roof again for the weekend anyway
iapos;m looking forward to my week off...going to the city tomorrow to drink party with ashley first real bar-hopping experience
but blah, yeah now iapos;m just chillinapos; in my bed, gleefully reading huffington post articles about how the republican party is eating itself.
you know why i take so much sick pleasure in it? not just because obama is the man, but most importantly because it validates everything iapos;ve believed all along...way back in 2003 when me and that silly boy would argue about the iraq war...iapos;d throw ani lyrics at him, heapos;d throw some bullshit back at me. Ah...but i knew that one day he would grow to rue the clusterfuck that is the bush administration. Muah haha
where oh where is that kid now??
anyway, just checking in and saying YAY fall break

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european air war download

Itapos;s been too long

iapos;m on fall break and itapos;s never felt better.
iapos;ve worked my ass off in both school and soccer to be honest. And i needed a break.

thereapos;s a big difference from high school. In high school, i wanted a break. But now? i needed this.

Iapos;m home and trying to cram as many people as possible in to hang out with.
cut the grass
shopped a little bit
and most importantly, TRAINED WITH MILES
iapos;m going again tomorrow too.
but iapos;ll be back at rose after that. And iapos;ll be having some fun ;)

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

authority song tab mellencamp

I like Mark Wahlberg, Cool dude. Max Payne was next after popeye again.
Medium almost lost his phone at the restroom because of his carelessness. Some bangalas who know how to speak chinese took it. Damn drama mamamamas. Anyone who wanne know the story, can feel free to ask me. I got a cool dude lighter for small. Classic lighter. Goldbar somemore. I think big will fall in love with it. :D I donapos;t know where big is right now. Everybody have been asking me whoapos;s mandy. Is it his girlfriend or what? Lol, well I think I should say is his wife hahas, working tmr and off to auntapos;s house. Might be only, see how again. So in the mean time, ciaos. (:

Whenever Iapos;m at there, I always look out for bike and sound. It might be you passing by.

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campbell kareem

Ehk� olen ansainnut t�m�n kaiken. Olen loukannut ihmisi� niin sen takia my�sk�n minulle ei suoda onnea. Olisi kai vain helppoa olla niin kylm� ihminen, ettei yksinkertaisesti kykenisi tai haluaisi rakastaa. Ei tarvitsisi rakkautta. Min� en vain ole sellainen. Tarvitsen rakkautta el�kseni. En voi kutsua el�m�ksi sit� etten nauti mist�n. H�n todella sai minut nauttimaan, mit� en ollut kyennyt tekem�n pitkiin aikoihin. H�n teki el�m�st� el�misen arvoista.

Olenko vain s�litt�v� Olen kuin tuo auto tuolla pihalla. Sit� yritet�n k�ynnist�� mutta ei tunnu mill�n onnistuvan.

Kaipaan sit� kun y�ll� her�n ja h�n kaappaa minut kainaloonsa. Viimeisell� kerralla kun n�htiin, l�in k�teni h�nen parvis�nkyns� kaiteeseen ja h�n veti minua l�hemm�s itse�n ja sanoi "tule t�nne p�in ettet telo itse�si". Tai sit� kun her�tess�ni h�n katsoi minua silmiin ja sanoi "voi kun s� olet sulonen..". Olin onnellisempi kuin koskaan ennen. Nyt noista asioista voi vain en� unelmoida ja ajatella kyyneleet silmiss�. En en� koskaan p�se h�nen luokseen ja h�n ei v�ltt�m�tt� en� koskaan tule minun luokseni.

Pit�isi alkaa etsim�n asuntoakin. En tahtoisi, koska se tuntuu kaiken lopulta.. Pit�isik� minun ihan oikeasti luopua toivosta, vai olisiko minulla viel� mahdollisuus saada onneni, h�net takaisin?

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